Ashley Armistead Ashley Armistead

Light and Darkness

Why are we as humans preoccupied with light? I don’t think I am alone in this. I don’t know a single person who does not love the warmth and beauty of the light from sunshine after a week of cloudy days or the dancing light from a candlestick on the dinner table or the magic of dappled sunshine streaming through the leaves of a forest.

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Ashley Armistead Ashley Armistead


I often start a painting or a series of paintings with a question, and the brush marks, scribbles, glazes, and shapes facilitate the deep dive into those questions, not always revealing answers but supporting my process of contemplation and meditation.

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Ashley Armistead Ashley Armistead

The Beginning of the Bedrock series

I remember being fascinated with the layers of multi-colored rock, the crevices which held tiny treasures and miniature waterfalls, and the lone trees which pushed through the almost imperceptible cracks in the solid rock to find life.

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